Driving in the Opposite Direction Fine in Saudi Arabia

Driving in the Opposite Direction Fine in Saudi Arabia

Driving in the opposite direction of traffic is a serious traffic violation in Saudi Arabia. It is a dangerous and reckless act that can lead to serious accidents and injuries. The penalties for driving in the opposite direction in Saudi Arabia are severe, and they can include fines, imprisonment, and the impoundment of your vehicle.

Driving in the opposite direction, or wrong-way driving, refers to:

  • Driving against the flow of traffic on a one-way street
  • Entering a highway from an exit ramp
  • Driving on the wrong side of a divided highway or road

Penalties for Driving in the Opposite Direction in Saudi Arabia

The penalties for driving in the opposite direction in Saudi Arabia vary depending on the severity of the offence. Offenders can expect to pay:

  • A minimum fine of SAR 500
  • A maximum fine of SAR 900

This range is subject to change based on the severity of the violation and whether it’s a repeat offence. For subsequent offences, the fines can be even higher, and you may also be banned from driving for a period of time.

Additional Penalties

In addition to the monetary fine, other penalties include:

  • Impounding of the vehicle for 15 days for first-time offenders
  • Possible jail time for repeat offenders
  • Potential black points on the driver’s license

What Are the Risks of Driving in the Opposite Direction in Saudi Arabia?

The risks of driving in the opposite direction in Saudi Arabia are significant. In addition to the fines and penalties, you could also be involved in a traffic accident. If you are involved in an accident while driving in the wrong way, you may be held liable for any injuries or damage that occurs.

How Can I Avoid Driving in the Opposite Direction in Saudi Arabia?

There are a few things you can do to avoid driving in the opposite direction in Saudi Arabia. First, make sure that you are familiar with the roads and traffic patterns in the area. Second, be aware of the signs that indicate the direction of traffic. Finally, if you are ever unsure of which way to go, it is always best to ask for directions.

Additional Information

  • The Saudi traffic authorities have a number of ways to identify vehicles that are driving in the wrong way. These include using cameras, license plate readers, and checkpoints.
  • If you are caught driving in the opposite direction, you will be asked to provide your identification and proof of ownership of the vehicle. You may also be asked to pay a fine on the spot.
  • If you are unable to provide your identification or proof of ownership, your vehicle will be impounded. You will need to pay the fines and penalties before you can get your vehicle back.

Tips for Avoiding Driving in the Opposite Direction

  • Be familiar with the roads and traffic patterns in the area.
  • Pay attention to the signs that indicate the direction of traffic.
  • If you are ever unsure of which way to go, ask for directions.
  • Do not drive if you are tired, distracted, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • If you get lost, pull over to the side of the road and call for directions.

By following these tips, you can help to avoid driving in the wrong way and the serious consequences that can result.


Driving in the opposite direction in Saudi Arabia is a serious traffic violation that can have serious consequences. If you are caught driving in the opposite direction, you could be fined, imprisoned, and have your vehicle impounded. To avoid these penalties, make sure that you are always familiar with the roads and traffic patterns in the area.

Waheed Akhtar
I'm Waheed Akhtar, a driving enthusiast in Saudi Arabia. My passion for road safety and education drives me to share valuable insights from my personal journey. Let's connect.


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